Congratulations to SACUBO members who were recipients of NACUBO Awards!


                                  2020 Distinguished Business Officer Award:
                                  Al Little, vice president of business services, Florida State College at Jacksonville

                                  2020 Student Financial Services Award:
                                  Charmaine Daniels, associate vice president of student financial services, Morehouse College

                                  Watch the online presentation of the awards to Al Little and Charmaine Daniels.

                                  SACUBO Board Members Serving on the NACUBO Board


                                  SACUBO Board members serving as representatives to the NACUBO Board of Directors are Susan Maddux (Furman University), John Crawford (Texas A&M Engineering Program), and Russ Hannah (Arkansas State University).

                                  Congratulations to Susan Maddux who will serve as the 2020-2021 NACUBO secretary!

                                  Connect Virtually


                                  SACUBO will soon be providing opportunities for members to connect virtually.

                                  SACUBO Conversations will be offered each month. Grab your beverage of choice and treat yourself to a social hour to connect, share, and learn.

                                  Lunch and Learn Sessions will start in August. Enjoy your lunch as you join your colleagues for a session that will provide relevant and timely information to help address higher education issues and challenges.

                                  Benchmarking Program - Reporting Now Available


                                  The SACUBO benchmarking program is now the ACUBO benchmarking program. All four regions (SACUBO, CACUBO, WACUBO, and EACUBO) – known as the “ACUBOs” – participated in the FY 2019 benchmarking program. This program is a customized on-demand peer benchmarking service. It provides for data collection, analysis, and reporting – all in one place. Users can create customized peer groups and filter reports to meet their needs. Best of all, it is FREE for SACUBO institutions.

                                  Learn More

                                  Spotlight on Volunteers

                                  Sharon Bell

                                  Comprehensive and Doctoral Institutions Constituent Committee

                                  Naomi Emmett

                                  Investment Committee

                                  Randy Ellis

                                  Community Colleges Constituent Committee

                                  Clayton Gibson

                                  河南中医:张仲景学术思想探讨 以水为引论述《伤寒论》太阳经辨证思维方式 黄双龙;尹笑丹;王瑞平; 2021年05期 v.40;No.341 649-652页 [查看摘要] [在线阅读][下载 124K] [下载次数:104] |[引用频次:0] |[网刊下载次数:0] |[阅读次数:53] 红外热成像技术与厥阴病 周晓玲;阮 ...

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